Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Catching Up With March!

Man, has March come in with a slam bang and woke me up!  I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t had time to write or just couldn’t get my ‘stuff’ together.  Now all of a sudden there is a lot to talk about.
Beginning in February, I created (along with Kevin’s help) a book for Evan and Eric.  It started out as a day trip down to Fort Rock and somehow or another, two little stuffed critters; one a small white bear and the other a small white reindeer, came along on the trip and the story was born in the driveway.  I placed Reiny and Harty on the dashboard of the truck, their arms intertwined and the story began with, “Well Reiny, are we going on an adventure today?”  As they lay on the dashboard, their faces looking up at the sky, they saw animals in the cloud shapes.  Arriving in the area of Fort Rock, we took pictures of them sitting on top of the truck, looking off into the distance with the big bowl of Fort Rock in front of them.  Then next idea was to have “the boys” CLIMB and summit Fort Rock, a small reference to the accomplishment of Evan and Eric’s mommy and daddy summiting South Sister in 2011.  Oh and they found ‘caves’ and talked of monsters, they read placards describing local frontiersmen.  And when the little guys had finished their descent, they went on to stop at a local café for refreshments and to replenish their strength. 
I hear the REAL boys love their new book.  I can’t wait to read it to them, too.  Or maybe Evan can read it to me by the next visit, which is another story in itself.

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