When the boys saw the set for the first time, Evan in all his innocent wonder, exclaimed, "Beema, A PARK!" Kevin aptly named it Fort EvEr and planted a gigantic, waving black pirate flag to top it off. We also have a huge dirt mound that the little guys just can't stay away from. And that's great cuz that's what our house is for. I'm not sure who has more fun; the boys or us. It seems there is something new for them to experience every time they visit.
But because this seemed like such a science fiction year, I wanted it to be packed with activity, adventures and stories to tell.
We spent a lot more time out in the kayaks this season and managed to get a few family members involved in our fun. Early summer brought together my brother and sister-in-law Pat and Cathie and my daughter Sara and the boys at the same time. We missed having Sara's husband, Bret and wish he could have come but work kept him from our reunion. He'll be rewarded for this efforts in the future.
The weather was warm and hot, we put up the kiddie pool for the tykes while we grown ups sat on the lawn chairs sniffing barbecue and sipping some beer or wine. Ahhh, this is the American dream, isn't it? One of the days we all went out to Elk Lake and this time I managed to get Sara, Evan and Eric in the kayaks, the boys loved it! The next one in was Pat and he did fantastic; didn't tip the kayak or get wet, good job Big Brother! Then Cathie said she wasn't going to be outdone by the toddlers so on went the life jacket and into the bright red kayak she went. A fantastic culmination for the whole family, we missed Kevin on that outing, too, since he had to work also.
All the family left and it seemed awfully quiet and still after that. Kevin and I filled that time with more outdoor day trips and travels.
When September arrived, I took that month out with a bang by taking Sara, Evan and Eric on a road trip to Butte, Montana where my son Michael is currently living--that's a 13 hour drive one way; the boys were wonderful little travelers! Those in-vehicle tv's are great. Along the way, we were invited to stay a night at a long time girlfriends' house so she could meet her "adopted nephews". My daughter, my son and I have not been together at the same time in 13 years and Michael had never met Eric so this is where the tears came in. Our stay at the Best Western was perfect since school in that area was already in session and we practically had the whole place to ourselves. Sara put the boys in that gigantic swimming pool, they looked so small! By the second day and wearing arm floaties, those rascals were like fish. The three of us would take turns playing with them and visiting the hot tub. We visited some sights wthere in Butte; the mining area--derricks all over the place in that town--the pizza place with it's own merry go round, a gigantic park with swings and slides for the kids. And then Mike took us to the cemetery to see Evel Knievels' gravesite. I had forgotten he was resting there. What a wonderful closing event to the year of Two Thousand and Ten. I packed a lot into a short amount of time and I am so glad I did!
This Christmas Kevin and I will head over the mountain to Portland to share it with mom Dorothy and dad Bill and Bret and Sara's family. Maybe next year Michael will be over this way and our family will be complete.
Thank you Father in heaven for all of Your blessings this year. I have had so many. Even the trials are good lessons and make me appreciate the good times.
May God bless you and keep you safe and strong in the coming year.
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