Two days ago I had my first real conversation with my oldest grandson, Evan. At 3 he's pretty good at getting a point across to you, it may be simple, but one can converse rather well. So mommy Sara calls me about once a week and fills me in on the dailies of The Boyz, life, thoughts, etc., etc. This week she was describing her pottery class and the potters' wheel; how she took right to it and really enjoyed it.
Shortly after we were engaged in our phone call, Sara asked the boys if they wanted to talk to "Beema"--this is my official name, tagged onto me about six months ago when Evan decided that was who I was going to be. No ands, ifs or buts about that one. It could be worse, the other grandma got "Ta Ta".
As Evan got on the phone he was telling me about his day; what he had for lunch (a burrito), maybe what he was watching on tv. I asked him if he liked his burrito and he said "Yeah", but mommy had a different story. Oh well, the important thing was we were bonding. The next piece of information was priceless: clear and precise, Evan says, "Eric had a good poop." Now, in the world of news this may not be front page information but in the world of a 2 and 3 year old, it's pretty monumental and quite newsworthy when you're chatting with a grandma. They understand the importance of these things.
You have to realize at moments like this that their world is relatively safe and wonderful after all.