This has always been a magical time of year for me, I have many warm and fuzzy memories of Christmas. When I was 6 or so, we made a trip to southern California to celebrate Christmas at my dad's parents home. Out of the 53 Christmases I have seen so far, this is one of the most memorable. This is when I first believed Christmas really did come from heaven...
It stands illuminated in that darkened living room like a photograph smudged with vaseline. Most likely it was grandma who had preciously perched an ethereal white and flowing angel on the tree top. I don't remember specifics but I do remember that it seemed lifelike and loving to this little kid staring up at it. There was a soft glow of twinkling lights, way back then everybody used those big bulbs which literally engulfed whatever tree they were wrapped about. There were strings of lights that had these tubes of bubbling colored water where you would normally see just a bulb, those were my favorites. I could watch those for hours, some green, some red and some yellow. I always wondered where the water came from. There were lots and lots of multi-glittered fragile bulbs, you 'old' people will remember those; one side would be concave with a special glittery design, they were often tear-drop shaped or round. The lights would bounce off of them and triple the effect and if the tree had tinsel hanging from the branches--and NOT thrown on in clumps but carefully placed one by one--that tree would boggle the eyes and mind of any youngster. There was no tinsel on grandma's tree because it was draped with angel hair! Angel hair?! Oh grandma, this is really so beautiful, you must be special to have an angel give you her hair! I don't remember my grandmothers' house or any of the presents or much of anything else that visit, but that tree is as vivid in my mind today as it was when I first saw it. It still feels like magic.
Our celebrations also involved a traditional Christmas drive before opening presents. We always opened ours on Christmas Eve but we had to take a drive to see everyone elses' lights and decorations so Santa could stop by our house while we were gone. One yard had a small train set up on a railroad and the best part was seeing the lights on in the cars with people sitting in the seats and the conductor striding down the center collecting tickets, the train making it's circular trip around the front yard every minute or two. No, the people weren't real and they were most likely only about 2 feet tall. But I thought they were real.
Christmas is remembering my family, my loved ones, whatever family I have left and around me, grandparents and cookies and presents and snow and the smell of a pine tree in your house. I have had a few Christmases that were more about treasuring those who could be with you. The real test of what I believe this is all about. The possibility of losing your child or any member of your family puts things into perspective. That Christmas was the most special of all. I don't remember if there were presents now because the most important thing was knowing that at that time my little family would be there. We simply celebrated life and blessings.
This Christmas will be special because I get to live it through a child's eyes again. My daughter and son-in-law and their two boys will be sharing Christmas with this grandma for the first time. I can't wait to see Evan's little face when he comes to grandma and grandpa's house. I don't have angel hair on my tree (it's way too messy for a grown-up) but we do have an angel on the tree top and lots of lights and fun ornaments to explore. And whether or not there are two or twenty presents under the tree, my present will be my husband, my daughter and son-in-law and the grandbabies! Maybe next year my son can come. Maybe one year we can all share a special memory.
This is also my time to celebrate the reason for Christmas, my saviour's birthday and what that means to me....