Where does the time go? I can't believe it's been over two months since I last offered up a post. Okay, so life has presented a few glitches but for the most part it has been a pretty good summer. My last entry was the day before heading over to Corvallis to spend a few days with Sara and "The Boyz", as I like to refer to them. Bret was heading for Bend to spend part of the week working and being with his dad. One of his comments after a few days without the little family was, "It's very quiet here". Yes, the little boys are quite noisy, but it's wonderful to hear those sounds again, of laughter and giggles and little voices repeating your EVERY word. We seem to forget how precious this explosive learning time is when they are under five. I was fortunate enough to spend the last evening playing for hours, yes hours, with Evan and discovering what a wonderful little person he is. Eric will be next, not quite two he is a little blond rocket whose destination point changes every ten seconds. I figure a couple more months and he might land in one spot a little longer for conversation.
The weather was very cooperative so Sara and I planned a day at the beach in Newport with Evan and Eric, needless to say, we all had a great time. There were the usual plastic toys to take, a small lunch bag with pb and j, some drinks, sunscreen and water socks. The Boyz did great on the trip over and were very excited when we hit the sand, they could hardly wait to rush to the waves. Do you know what it's like trying to hold back two charging toddlers? Sara grabbed one boy and I got the other so we could take off their jeans and socks, we left t-shirts and diapers and the water socks on and let them go. Eric is our little bull dozer and he went full bore towards the water with Evan carrying up the rear. We let them get their feet wet and then had to pick them up before they got knocked over. Squeals of laughter and giggles as we played tag with the waves for a few minutes. Then it was off to higher ground to build sand castles and fill the dump truck with whatever.
Little did we know that a few broken pieces of pb and j tossed at the hovering sea gulls would really pique Evan and Eric's' interest.
Sara discovered that if she kept tossing food bits in a small circle the birds would keep diving and dancing around to snatch them while the little guys would try to chase them. This kept Evan and Eric within a certain perimeter without too much effort. Smart mommy there, Sara.
By the middle of my visit I was finally christened "Beema" and at this point I think it's a pretty good name for grandma. The time came to leave and it was very hard. I waited for the boys to go down for a nap and then kissed my beautiful daughter good bye until the next time. I didn't want the little ones to watch Beema leave. Hard enough as it was.