It's been a long time coming that snow, but when it finally decided to show up, it came with a vengeance! I kept writing to friends and family, "Still no snow..." right up until a few days previous. Not only have the snow and ice storms been making news on the east coast but we have been getting ours here on the west as well. In the last four days we have gotten at least 15 inches and Kevin has been going out constantly to shovel off the front deck and drive down a path in our driveway. Yesterday we were getting about an inch an hour.
Most of our regular wildlife visitors are keeping close to their own hearths and the deer have migrated over to Christmas Valley east of us about a month ago. When the winds stop blowing and the snow stops drifting, the squirrels scamper down the fir trees and congregate near the bird feeder, digging and scratching for the seeds that fall from the nuthatches, chickadees and red headed finches. The morning doves make their hourly rounds when the squirrels are gone and every once in awhile they do something a little goofy.
While Kevin and I were hunkered down in the living room watching the news yesterday afternoon, we kept hearing pecking noises, we just assumed it was one of the woodpeckers that visit us. Of course, the noise was persistant and so to make sure that one wasn't burrowing it's way into the house, we thought we better check it out.
I just happened to look up at the skylights in the living room and there I saw above me three to four pairs of little feet. That sound was not a woodpecker but the morning doves getting the melting snow off the skylights for a drink! Now I know how "pheasant under glass" feels.
And last but not least, when it was dark (hmmm, that was pretty early around 4:30) I went out to get a shot of one of the snowy trees that Kevin decorated with lights. Yes it is a bit fuzzy and I haven't figured out how to get a good still one but it's the idea, still kinda pretty anyway.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that come Christmas Eve the weather will be a bit better for our trip to Portland. Mom and Dad Schumacher (Big Shu's) are the lucky recipients of an invasion! Not only will Kevin and I be there but Bret, Sara, Evan and Eric will be arriving to celebrate the birth of our Lord. I am so excited, I haven't had a really nice family holiday in many years, and to share this with grandchildren and great grand-parents is a blessing and a treat that will always be a special memory indeed.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
see the last comments. I posted on Terry's email account.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing on your blog! Loved it. Drive very carefully up to Portland to see mama and papa schu!
ReplyDeleteLoved your story and how you and Kevin enjoy nature and all the critters. :) Thank you for sharing and allowing us to have a "peek" into the Shumacher's celebration of Christ's birth...three generations is a MUST photo opportunity!!!!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!!! :)
Hey sounds like your gonna have a nice Christmas assuming you can make it to Portland... that could be an issue the way things have been lately... Great pics.. :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a great Christmas and Happy New Year..